Episode 57: A Journey of Faith: Building Bridges of Trust and Reconciliation

Latter-day Contemplation
Episode 57: A Journey of Faith: Building Bridges of Trust and Reconciliation

In this episode Christopher and Riley are joined by Latter-day Peace Studies co-founder and former Latter-day Contemplation co-host Shiloh Logan to discuss his journey of faith. Shiloh’s family’s recent decision to resign from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints created an opportunity to explore faith transition and its relationship to religious identity from a personal perspective. Shiloh, Riley, and Christopher approach the subject both from the perspective of those who remain and of those who leave or resign from the Church. They discuss how we can continue to interact with one another with respect for individual spiritual autonomy and build bridges of healing and reconciliation when someone we love leaves the Church.

Show notes:

LDS Personal Faith Crisis: ‘Don’t find fault. Find remedy‘,” scholars report to President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

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