Episode 7: On Worth and Worthiness

Latter-day Contemplation
Latter-day Contemplation
Episode 7: On Worth and Worthiness

Shiloh and Riley open up on a topic that they have both been thinking and sitting with for a while: worthiness. The scriptures talk about “worthiness” quite a bit, but how do we reconcile a truth that we are “always already being worthy” with the scriptural concept of “unworthiness”? Is “worthiness” a description of our being? Is it a description of what we do? If we can be inherently unworthy of beings, then why would Jesus Christ atone for an unworthy being? Can it be that we have infinite and absolute worth and that “worthiness” is something else entirely? There are so many layers and levels of this discussion that followers of Christ often feel and believe that they are inherently unworthy of God’s love, or that they have to qualify for (and always seemingly find themselves in failing) to be worthy of God’s love. In this discussion, Riley and Shiloh attempt to separate worthiness from performance (that we are not the sum of our actions), talk a bit on the concept of “purity codes,” and reassert a God of infinite love, compassion, love, and mercy. We are always already worthy in God’s eyes — even when we don’t feel that we are worthy of it.

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