• Episode 24: Mormon 1 – 6

    Ben and Shiloh move into discussing the destruction of the Nephite nation and of Mormon's graphic description of their final extinction. What can we learn about who Mormon is, his life, and his experiences in these chapters that go into framing and contextualizing the rest of the Book of Mormon? Ben observes that Mormon 2 is basically describing the "Anti-Beatitudes," as Mormon witnesses the depravity, pride, and wickedness of his people. Mormon leaves evidences for us that he's trying to recreate Captain Moroni's defense of the Nephites, but Mormon soon realizes that too many elements in his own society and civilization are missing to be successful even to Captain Moroni's…

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  • Episode 23: 3rd Nephi 27 – 4th Nephi 1

    Shiloh and Ben finish their discussion of Jesus Christ's visit to the Americas. Christ quotes from both Isaiah and Malachi, and they explore themes from these scriptures using a Beatitude / Sermon on the Mount hermeneutic to more deeply understand both Isaiah and Malachi in seeing God in a new way. Jesus Christ teaches that the Father's purpose of sending Him to earth was "that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me" (3rd Ne 27:14), and we see that Christ's doctrine -- reflective of Jacob's prior desire that "we would…

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  • Episode 22: 3rd Nephi 20 – 26

    Ben and Shiloh continue with the discussion of the Sermon at the Temple. When Jesus Christ visited the people in the Americas, he was doing more than bringing them a great new message. He taught, identified, and led them into a completely new way of experience and being. All too often, we unwittingly interpret scripture through the biased lens of our own language, culture, past experiences, and a host of other filters that often distort the intended message as it was given. Through this episode, Ben and Shiloh use Jesus Christ's message in the Sermon at the Temple as the lens to view and understand Isaiah, Malachi, and the rest…

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  • Episode 21: 3 Nephi 17 – 19

    Shiloh and Ben continue the discussion of Jesus Christ's visit to the Americas. It is incredible how naturally flowing the events of these chapters are, as one moment gives desire and experience for the next natural moment. Jesus Christ perceives that the people are "weak" and that they would not be able to "understand all of my words which I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time" (3 Ne 17:2). The people are told to go to their homes to ponder on the Beatitudes and the Sermon at the Temple that He just gave them, but then, instead of leaving them, He leads them through…

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  • Episode 20: 3rd Nephi 12 – 16 (Part 2 of 2)

    Ben and Shiloh continue their discussion of the Sermon at the Temple, as they discuss the various vignettes that Christ reveals pertaining to what a Beatitude-living disciple of Christ looks like in various situations. They discuss various topics of the Sermon pertaining to alms giving, prayer, forgiveness, fasting, the doctrine of two masters, anxiety, seeking for the kingdom of God, judgment, the Golden Rule, action and iniquity, and the wise and foolish man. As the new Moses, Jesus Christ declares that the law of Moses has been fulfilled in him, as his life and example was what the law of Moses had looked forward to as a type and shadow.…

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  • Episode 19: 3 Nephi 12 – 16 (Part 1 of 2)

    Shiloh and Ben embark on discussing a favorite topic: The Beatitudes and the Sermon at the Temple (equivalent to the Sermon on the Mount in the Book of Matthew in the Gospels) . The Beatitudes are the Preamble to the rest of the Sermon at the Temple, and it is impossible to really understand the rest of the Sermon if we miss the importance and setting of the Beatitudes. In both the Sermon on the Mount (in Matthew) and in the Sermon at the Temple (3 Nephi), the settings are symbolically the same: a high place / the temple. Whereas we often glance over the Beatitudes are simply random and…

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  • Episode 18: 3 Nephi 8-11

    Ben and Shiloh tackle really interesting and difficult chapters in the Book of Mormon where the sign of Christ's death comes to the Americas. Most Book of Mormon scholars conclude that a possible volcano is what caused every mentioned calamity from the mist of darkness, to the lightning, the geographic upheaval, the liquefaction of cities into the sea, fire from heaven and consuming cities, cities being covered with earth, etc. There are a few lack-of-congruence issues in the text concerning Samuel's prophecy of the signs of Christ's death and the interpretation of events of those who lived through it. A few ideas are discussed on how to resolve the congruence…

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  • Episode 17: 3 Nephi 1-7

    Shiloh and Ben move into talking about the fulfillment of Samuel's prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus Christ. Nephites who were baptized into the Church because they had seen signs did not experience deep conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Nephites and Lamanites combine forces to thwart the Gadianton Robbers. While Mormon explains that "it was the custom among all the Nephites to appoint for their chief captains, (save it were in their times of wickedness) some one that had the spirit of revelation and also prophecy" and that "Gidgidoni was a great prophet" (3 Ne 3:19), there is still ample evidence that the depth of the Nephite "righteousness"…

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  • Episode 16: Helaman 13 – 16

    Ben and Shiloh talk about Samuel the Lamanite preaching to and calling the Nephites to repentance. Why did the Lord send a Lamanite to call repentance to the Nephites when they already had Nephi, the prophet, there preaching the same message? The pattern of Samuel’s preaching reflect the same patterns of Abinadi and Alma the Younger, as he preaches the good news and signs of the Savior’s birth. Shiloh and Ben discuss the nature of God in how it relates to Helaman 12:3 and to Samuel’s words of God’s active vengeance. Is there a different way to view God than as an actively vengeful God?

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  • Episode 14: Helaman 1 – 6

    Shiloh and guest-host Christopher Hurtado talk about the state of Nephite affairs after the official "War Chapters" conclude. Political intrigue, pride in the Church, international conflict, and a failed military bid to regain lost lands find the Nephites at a loss. Christopher and Shiloh discuss myth narratives and find interesting verses that combine the Garden of Eden myth together with the Lehi/Nephi Dream myth in how to become one with God. Nephi and Lehi go out to preach the world of God and follow the pattern set forward by their great-grandfather, Alma the Younger, as the Lamanites repent and become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We see another…