• Episode 35: D&C 3-5

    Shiloh and Ben open up a discussion about Martin Harris and the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. There is so much to grasp of the grace and mercy of God throughout these three sections of scripture, and we often sidestep these conversations because they threaten the worldview of our ego-based false selves. Scripture is a beautiful thing, for it is the record of when mankind and God touch. Within the scriptural record we see God pouring through cracks of men's foibles to reveal Himself again and again between the erroneous narratives of the false self. On each page of scripture we find both a documented account of…

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  • Episode 33: Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

    Shiloh and Ben open up a discussion about Joseph Smith's First Vision and his "call to adventure." Joseph lived in a day when there were arguments abounding over what was true and correct doctrine. People of all faiths around him seemed to exhibit "great love" and "zeal" at "the time of their conversion." But whatever form or façade of conversion and love that existed soon digressed, and it became evident to Joseph that God is not discovered through argument and scriptural apologetics. Joseph had no context for how to gain more light and truth, but he realized that "the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages…

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  • Episode 32: Doctrine and Covenants 1

    Ben and Shiloh are excited to get back into the Come, Follow Me discussion as the new year rolls around in talking about Church history and the Doctrine and Covenants. Whereas the Book of Mormon was written as a basic chronological narrative, the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants are not written and compiled in narrative form. This requires a separate historical conversation to contextualize each Section of the Doctrine and Covenants to really help us understand what is meant and being revealed to the early Saints in their time and place. As a Church, we have a fascinating and exciting opportunity every four years to study -- in a…

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  • Episode 31: Moroni 10

    Shiloh and Ben discuss Moroni 10 and finalize this year's narrative in talking about the Book of Mormon. It is of interest that it seems that Moroni wants us to come with a heart of mercy to praying over the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Why would this be important to Moroni? At least in part is appears that Moroni is helping us to have a certain experience with the divine and that he is using us coming to God to pray over the truthfulness of the record as the catalyst to that experience. There are many things to say about the gifts of the spirit and of God,…

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  • Episode 30: Moroni 7 – 9

    Ben and Shiloh discuss Mormon's recorded sermon and his two epistles to Moroni. Throughout chapter 7, Mormon consistently uses Beatitude language in addressing the "peaceable followers of Christ." Faith, hope, and charity are invoked, as the Beatitudes also follow this same pattern. Chapter 8's discussion of child baptism almost seems a little out of place and strange to include at the very end of the Book of Mormon, but there is a lot of contextual evidence where this message fits in neatly and beautifully with the Book of Mormon narrative. Chapter 9 is an incredibly sad tale of how the Nephites and Lamanites treated each other, and we are left…

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  • Episode 29: Moroni 1 – 6

    Shiloh and guest co-host Christopher Hurtado talk about Moroni's final last words. Moroni bids us "farewell" a few times, as each time he believes will be his last. There is much to consider concerning Moroni. The text offers us quite a bit of his personality and of his possible insecurities and obvious strengths. The Lord lightly chastises and liberates Moroni in Ether 12 from his worry and concern, as we see a change happen in Moroni's final message. Considering Moroni's plight and situation, having seen the ultimate destruction of his people, it is not an uncommon question to ask of ourselves what we would have included as our final witness…

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  • Episode 28: Ether 12 – 15

    Ben and Shiloh conclude talking about the Jaredite nation, as they spend time discussing several topics concerning faith, belief, charity, and reconciliation. Moroni, who is abridging the Jaredite text, laments that he was not powerful in writing like unto the brother of Jared, and he worries that the Gentiles (i.e., us) will not receive or believe his record because of his weakness in writing. Moroni's interpretation of the Lord's words on charity worry him that the Gentiles will not have sufficient charity. The Lord's response to both of Moroni's concerns demonstrate the kindness, love, and compassion that the Lord has with all of his children. The Lord reproves Moroni in…

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  • Episode 27: Ether 6 – 11

    Shiloh and Ben continue the discussion of the Jaredite narrative, as we segue from the literary epic of chapters 1 - 6 into the political discussion of the the Jaredite kings. Whereas chapters 1 - 6 denote an allegorical process of repentance in how to come to see God and God's nature in new, fresh, and more consistent ways, chapters 7 - 11 speak to the fallout in our own lives when we choose to return to our past, refuse to continue emptying the natural man, and consistently rely upon the arm of flesh for our support. There has been much talk by certain leaders of the Church pertaining to…

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  • Episode 26: Ether 1-5

    Ben and Shiloh start discussing the fascinating story of the Jaredite nation. With so many things going on, this episode is longer than most of the others. The beginning of Ether reads like many historical accounts of ancient nations, as the creation of the earth is mentioned, a need for a formal and unified language is identified, and the divine promise of a land of inheritance are all specifically invoked to justify the creation of the Jaredite nations. Allegorically, there is so much to unpack from these stories, not the least of which is how God manifests himself as a cloud before them in their journey's into a place where…

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  • Episode 25: Mormon 7 – 9

    Shiloh and Ben discuss Mormon's finale chapter before he is killed in battle, as Mormon's son, Moroni, steps in to finalize Mormon's personal history. If all you had known in your lifetime was wickedness, death, carnage, and the extinction of your people, what would you feel are the most important messages to leave future generations who will one day read your record? Mormon and Moroni focus in on themes of repentance, baptism, the atonement of Jesus Christ, faith, and resurrection to name only a few. In our wickedness, we view the consequences of our actions as the punishment of a wrathful, vengeful, and violent God. But are these true descriptions…

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