Episode 13: Alma 53 – 63
Shiloh and Ben discuss the last half of the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon and question some possibilities that the War Chapters may have been the first thing that Mormon compiled in the Book of Mormon as a young military general. Why and in what way are the Anti Nephi Lehis talked about differently in Alma 53 and 56 than in Alma 26? Captain Moroni is a complicated character that is often quick-to-anger and condemnation, but he consistently expresses a strength of heart and mind to cease bloodshed and fighting mid-battle to let the enemy go free with an oath. After Captain Moroni breaths many threatenings and admonitions…
Episode 12: Alma 43 – 52 (Part 2 of 2)
Ben and Shiloh continue their discussion on the first half of the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon. There is a lot to say about the the Nephite narratives and identities in how they view themselves and the Lamanites that frame and contextualize the discussion and that are sometimes taken for granted in analyzing the text. Were there missed opportunities for the Nephites to end war through other non-military means? Were the Nephites always truly expressing the seeming justness of their cause? Did the Nephites always live up to their standards of belief concerning war? Just how much like the Nephites are we today, and can we gain any…
Episode 11: Alma 43 – 52 (Part 1 of 2)
Shiloh and Ben begin a preliminary discussion to contextualize the war chapters. They explore the observations for the Lord's stated means of deliverance in Mosiah 7:33, the Lord's standard for "justified" self-defense and warfare in D&C 98, and what it means to go beyond what is merely justified into the realms of what is counted as "righteousness." In Alma 43:47 it states "the Lord has said that: Ye shall defend your families even unto bloodshed." Yet, in this seeming universal command to take up arms to spill the blood of brother's or sister's life in defense of our families, we see righteous examples counter to the popular interpretation of this…
Episode 9: Alma 36-38
Ben and Shiloh talk about Alma's fatherly admonitions to his sons Helaman and Shiblon. They talk about clues that Alma leaves us into the foundations of his own testimony, and discuss about the nature of and doctrine of "Christ" as found in these chapters. While we typically talk about the "doctrine of Christ" in general terms as simply the gospel, there is another more nuanced discussion that Shiloh and Ben explore as to what "Christ" is as the archetype of our humanity and what it means to take that name upon ourselves.
Episode 8: Alma 32 – 35
Ben and Shiloh continue their talk about the Zoramites, as they explore the concept and principle of faith in Christ. What is the relationship of faith and hope, and how do we regain our hope if we feel that we've lost it? They explore ideas pertaining to experiencing God and of how to develop a relationship with the Spirit. Amulek warns that "this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God," and Shiloh and Ben discuss various transactional and transformational ways of interpreting the meaning of this passage of scripture and how that impacts how we see God, ourselves, and each other.
Episode 7: Alma 30 – 31
Shiloh and Ben discuss the conversation between Alma and Korihor, Korihor's teachings, and how Alma sees that all of creation denotes the existence of God. Alma is seeking to give Korihor an experience with God, whereas Korihor is looking for rational proof that -- in itself -- will never lead to true conversion and the experience of just sitting with and being enveloped in the love of God. Through this story we can also begin to see different ways of viewing God from transactional and transformative ways. In chapter 31, the Zoramites pray from the Rameumptom in glory of their separation from those less spiritual, as Alma prays to God…
Episode 6: Alma 23 – 29
Shiloh and Ben discuss the story of the Anti-Lehi-Nephis, the Doctrine of Perhaps, nonviolence, and the history of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has viewed and used the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis over the last hundred years. There is much more to the story and conversion of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis, and we are very excited to have this discussion. We hope you enjoy!
Episode 5: Alma 17 – 22
Shiloh and Ben discuss the journeys of the sons of Mosiah as they take the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Lamanites. They discuss the myth of cosmology in how it relates to establishing authority, and how this may have been a familiar tool and understanding to convince King Lamoni of the incorrect traditions of his fathers. Both Ben and Shiloh want to know more about Abish, and Shiloh resolves to ask Mormon (at some point in eternity) why we have so much about geography and Nephite coinage in the Book of Mormon but we're left wanting to know more about Abish and the Zion-type people in…
Episode 4: Alma 13 – 16
Ben and Shiloh finish with the sad discussion of Ammonihah. What were Alma and Amulek trying to open up a space for with the people? Could it be that they were offering the people of Ammonihah nothing less than a Zion-type community? The angel of the Lord had sent Alma back because the people of Ammonihah were studying to destroy the liberty that God had given, as Alma and Amulek take this charge and bring a message of true liberty, justice, and mercy to the people. The response to this Christ-centered message reflects the injustice of Calvary, as we discuss the relationship between witness, testimony, and martyrdom that is seen…
Episode 3: Alma 8 – 12
Alma ventures to the city of Ammonihah where he is confronted for the first time with a people who adamantly reject his message. As he leaves the city, an angel appears and tells him to return, because the leaders were studying how to destroy the liberty of the people. Shiloh and Ben discuss the messages of Alma and Amulek in this context, and Ben finds some interesting parallels between Alma 8 and the Beatitudes that we hadn’t seen before.