Finding God

  • Finding God,  Finding Peace

    The Healing Power of Good Friday

    The Friday before Easter Sunday, traditionally known as Good Friday, marks the crucifixion of Jesus. As Latter-day Saints, we don’t usually pay much attention to this day, and perhaps when we see it printed on the calendar we wonder what is so ‘good’ about it. With a cultural aversion to the symbol of the cross, we tend only to join other Christians in the world with observing the Resurrection on Easter Sunday; accepting the Savior’s death as a necessary part of the process of atonement, but the living Christ is the true miracle we point to. After all, it is the arrival of the living Christ we look forward to…

  • Finding God

    From Politics to Peace

    I am seeing a lot of pain today. Pain exhibiting itself in the form of anger, fear, and anxiety. Hearts are bleeding. Hearts are fearful. Hearts are mourning. And hearts are hardening.  But maybe hearts can be softened. Maybe this all can be for our good.  After the most tumultuous, divisive, and unpredictable year in the memories of most people who live on the earth today, once again, we are seeing the chaos. Protests, fighting, and riots in Washington D.C.. Rumors, conspiracies, theories, and lies. We’ve been experiencing these waves of destruction that have been pulsating for years, but over the last year they have increased in frequency and magnitude. …

  • Finding God

    Finding Peace in Divine Clouds

    Over the last several years I have undergone many transitions, evolutions, and transformations in my discipleship and relationship with God. Joseph Smith once famously stated that, I am like a huge, rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against religious bigotry, … Thus I will become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty (TPJS, p. 304). While I have certainly not run into religious bigotry and suffered the torment of mobs and violence that Joseph Smith (and the early Saints) endured,…